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Friday, 15 July 2016 16:21

CEO Spotlight Radio Podcast

Ceo Spotlight Radio

June 12, 2013 marked an exciting day for Maggie Pazian and Michael Palestina, managing partners of People Intell who set up the organization to bring the new Paul Ekman International courses to the US. In partnership with Paul Ekman International and Emotional Intelligence Academy we sell and deliver core training modules in the Northeast United States. 

Maggie Pazian and Michael Palestina kicking off the Evaluating Truthfulness and Credibility Course

We aim to help others to develop their capabilities to make finer distinctions between emotions to support better decisions about actions and behavior that lead to emotional well-being and constructive cooperation with others. 

Here is what delegates from the June courses have shared about their experience:


"I would like to write this testimony to extend my gratitude and support to Maggie, Mike, Cliff and Paul Kelly thanking you for the training I received at the ETaC training. As a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, I face many challenges in my work. While I and am generally open to any avenues that can complement my work, I am inherently a skeptic who has high standards. Needless to say, I did not come into the ETaC course with blinders on but kept an open mind. Interestingly, I left the 4 day training rather enlightened, most likely due to the way that your group did not rush to arriving at decisions, as well as your adherence to research. I found this to be ethical, responsible, and honorable behavior. Since completing ETaC, I have planned on continuing my education with the organization, as I have found it to be useful in my work. I was able to use it immediately in my work with couples, individuals, consulting, as well as enhancing my interviewing techniques. Thanks for staying in touch and providing additional resources even after the course was completed!" - Joseph Grillo, Psy.D. (Licensed Clinical Psychologist)

"As a sport's coach, I am really grateful to all the trainers for providing me knowledge and competencies for my work. As a person it was not just a pleasure, but a rich experience that helped me to know more about how human emotions work and also about mine. With this course I have been able to create tools that can help my players in a sportive and a personal way." - Nicolas Gagnon, IMPACT DE MONTREAL

"This course has helped train my eye and my mind to see more emotions in others, and as a result, have more successful interactions with others when they are emotional.  I am more likely to notice things earlier, before escalation, when the potential to make better choices is stronger.  Also, although I may not follow up on everything I see on my friends' and family's faces, I might be able to offer help or support when before I wouldn't have seen subtle signals that such were needed." - Lynn Dolan

"The knowledge, skills and abilities gained from taking the Ekman ETaC course from People Intell Institute has benefited me beyond expectations.  The instruction that Maggie and Mike presented helped transform my skill set in detecting deception. 
Before I attended the course I had what I thought was above-average knowledge about body language and recognizing clues if someone could be lying. Admittedly, on the first day when I learned many of the participants had doctorate degrees, and I did not, I thought, “Oh what am I doing here? I am so out of my league.” Fortunately my fears were unfounded and quickly put to rest.
The material was presented in a practical, easy to understand delivery that quickly made us all feel comfortable, no matter at what level we started. The four days were loaded with information as well as multiple opportunities to practice what we were learning. The learning environment was safe, fun and friendly.
To give you an idea how much I benefited from this course, I knew before the end of the four days, I wanted more. I wanted to learn more from Mike and Maggie and I wanted to learn more about emotional behavior and reading people. I signed up to take two more courses. It was definitely worth the investment!
Today I’m living the benefits.  I have a clearer understanding how to evaluate truth and credibility.  I pick up on so many more clues in people - both verbally and nonverbally.  I have the confidence in what I am interpreting. I am glad to have learned from the best." - Laurie Ayers


People Intell Institute is excited to be part of this worldwide network that is growing each day by adding new Licensed Delivery Centers as well as supporting conitnuing research and education in the areas of emotional awareness, deception and credibility. 

What People Are Saying...

  • "This course has helped train my eye and my mind to see more emotions in others, and as a result, have more successful interactions with others when they are emotional.  I am more likely to notice things earlier, before escalation, when the potential to make better choices is stronger."

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  • "As a sport's coach, I am really grateful to all the trainers for providing me knowledge and competencies for my work. As a person, it was not just a pleasure, but a rich experience that helped me to know more about human emotions and also about mine. With this course I have been able to create tools that can help my players in a sportive and a personal way."

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  • "Maggie and Mike created a good safe zone for sharing and learning. Some of the content was highly sensitive and personal, but was comfortable and inspiring and informative because of the presenters’ level of expertise, guidance and insights."

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  • "Maggie and Mike were excellent at engaging. It’s material that I’ve been exposed to before, but never in a comprehensive manner. It has increased my awareness of how my emotional state and it’s physical manifestations affect my colleagues."

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People Intelligence Institute, LLC
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